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Daddy Daycare

Daddy Daycare xo must reads!

Daddy Day Care 

I would like to express my gratitude to the man I am so lucky to call my best friend & baby daddy! Hunter & I truly hit the jackpot having you in our life.

Robb is silly & playful. He is raw & real. He is outrageous & spontaneous. He is romantic & such a lover. He is patient & kind. He is tapped into his emotions and supports mine effortlessly. He is my light on the darkest days (and there have been many over the years) He is not perfect, but he admits when he’s wrong choses to have the difficult vulnerable conversations.

But most importantly he is a phenomenal father who values connection and quality time with his child. He steps up and actually encourages mama to take time for herself so he can feel the pressure of parenting and being alone with hunter. And my goodness does he love that baby! If the photos & videos don’t prove it… I’m not sure what would! Follow along as I share his adventures we like to call: Daddy Day Care xo 

Over the last 2 years – I’ve had to travel a few times for a wedding, birthday, etc. Robb has really encouraged me to take time for myself and each time I’ve left my family I’m confident knowing hunter is in the best hands with his daddy! And I can’t wait to see what they will do on that weekend’s episode of Daddy Day Care hahaha

Watch the daddy day care videos here: {insert link to YouTube of saved instagram stories)

Don’t miss out on this Daddy & Hunter Calendar photoshoot – these pictures are hilarious:

  • Daddy Calendar page 
  • Daddy Photoshoot 
  • Links to instagram 

Dad Newborn Natural Birth


xoxo, Bre
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